Gülgün Latif Library
Established in 1978, the inital library collection was obtained from the METU main campus Library in Ankara.
The Institute of Marine Sciences reference library is available to all academic staff and students offering a comprehensive collection of books and periodicals related specifically to marine sciences. The library’s current collection of approx. 3500 publications covers in the following fields: Physical oceanography, Chemical oceanography, Marine pollution, Marine biology, Marine ecology, Marine geology and geophysics, Fisheries, Ichthyology, and Limnology, Marine Microbiology, Zoology, Toxicology, Law of the Sea, Maritime History, Marine Transport, Fundamental Sciences, Engineering, classified according to the Library of Congress System. The METU-IMS library also subscribes to a number of national and international journals dealing with these topics.
One valuable service of the library is to collect reprints of articles relating to the oceanography of Turkish seas (approx. 7500 reprints to date). Faculty members and students in addition, have online access to the main campus library.
Furthermore, METU-IMS library resources are available to all oceanographers and interested researchers in Turkey or abroad.
The late Mrs. Gülgün Latif (BSc. METU Chemical Engineering), served as librarian at the Institute of Marine Sciences from the library’s foundation in 1978 until her retirement in 2001. She played a major role in the acquisition of relevant reprints, books and periodicals through her close interaction with faculty members and students and by maintaining good contact with other marine science librarian colleagues. Many of the library’s resources were first converted to digital format thanks to her efforts.