Black Sea CONNECT: Black Sea Countries Come Together for Blue Growth!
The H2020 Black Sea CONNECT CSA project has been funded under the coordination of METU-IMS and it will start in late 2019 for three years. The project aims to carry out the development of the Black Sea Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and implementation plan both at national and regional level.
Black Sea CONNECT is the first project in its own field for Black Sea and also it is first multi-partner Horizon 2020 consortium coordinatorship of METU. Fourteen organizations from nine countries are involved in the project; the Black Sea coastal countries, namely the Republic of Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Turkey, Ukraine as well as Republic of Moldova and European Union countries Germany and France.
The overall objective of the Black Sea CONNECT is to coordinate the development of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), based on the defined principles in the Burgas Vision Paper and support the development of the Blue Growth in the Black Sea. The SRIA and its Implementation Plan will guide stakeholders from academia, funding agencies, industry, policy and society to address together the fundamental Black Sea challenges, to promote blue growth and economic prosperity of the Black Sea region, to build critical support systems and innovative research infrastructure and to improve education and capacity building.
Useful Links
Burgas Vision Paper | Black Sea SRIA | EC Black Sea SRIA Fact Sheet |
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