Research Interests: Marine Biology, Zooplankton, Science Communication and Outreach
- M.Sc. 2007, Marine Biology and Fisheries, Institute of Marine Sciences, METU, TÜRKİYE
- B.Sc. 2004, Biology, METU, TÜRKİYE
Career Highlights
Selected Publications
- Zenginer, Yılmaz A., Besiktepe, S., 2010. Annual variations in biochemical composition of size fractionated particulate matter and zooplankton abundance and biomass in Mersin Bay, NE Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, Volume 81, Issue 3, Pages 260-271.
- Besiktepe, S., Ryabushko, L., Ediger, D., Yilmaz, D., Zenginer, A., Ryabushko, V., Lee, R., 2008. Domoic acid production by Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup et Hasle (bacillariophyta) isolated from the Black Sea. Harmful Algae, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages 438-442.
- Zenginer, A. & Besiktepe, S. (2007). Annual variations of zooplankton biomass and abundance in Mersin Bay (NE Mediterranean Sea). 38th CIESM Congress- İstanbul, Turkey, 9-13 April 2007
- Zenginer, A. & Besiktepe, S. (2007). Mersin Körfezi’nde yüzey zooplankton biyokütle ve bolluğunun aylık değişimi. Türk Sucul Yaşam Dergisi. Yıl: 3-5, Sayı: 5-8,45 p.
- Terbıyık Kurt T., Zenginer Yılmaz A., 2016. Zooplankton of the Turkish Part of the Mediterranean Sea in: Turan C., Salihoğlu B., Özgür Özbek E., Öztürk B. (Eds.) The Turkish Part of the Mediterranean Sea; Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance. Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV), Publication No: 43, Istanbul, TURKEY. pp.136-151.