Research Interests: Ecosystem (especially saltmarsh and mangrove) ecology, Coastal pollution and ecotoxicology, Restoration ecology 


  • Ph.D (Fisheries Sciences), Faculty of Fisheries, The United Graduate School of
  • Agriculture Sciences, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan.
  • M.S (Marine Ecology and Biology), University Putra Malaysia, Campus Bintulu,
  • Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • M.S. (Marine Science), University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
  • B.Sc Marine Science, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Career Highlights

 I have a Ph.D. in Fisheries Sciences, which I obtained from Kagoshima University in Japan in March 2020. During my doctoral studies, I investigated the bioavailability of heavy metals in coastal sediments. Following that, I spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bologna in Italy, where I contributed towards evaluating the success of restored saltmarsh in Venice Lagoon

 Selected Publications

  1. Islam MA, Billah MM*, Idris HM, Bhuiyan  MKA, Abu Hena MK. 2024. Mangroves of Malaysia: a comprehensive review on ecosystem functions, services, restoration efforts and potential threats of climate change. Hydrobiologia . (*co-first author)  
  2. Islam MA, Billah MM*, Idris MH, Hussin  RW, Bhuiyan  MKA, Sukeri MSM. Abu Hena MK. 2024. Microbiota and soil fauna mediate litter decomposition and associated carbon and nitrogen dynamics in mangrove blue carbon ecosystems: insights from a coastal lagoon in Malaysia. Hydrobiologia  (*co-first author)
  3. Billah MM, Bhuiyan MKA, Islam MA, Das J, Hoque ATM. 2022. Salt marsh restoration: an overview of techniques and success indicators. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-17. (
  4. Billah MM, Bhuiyan MKA, Amran IU, Carbal AC, Garcia MRD. 2022. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) pollution in mangrove ecosystems: global synthesis and future research directions. Reviews in Environmental Sciences and Bio/Technology. ( / 10.1007/s11157-022-09625).
  5. Billah MM, Abu Hena MK, Idris MHB, Ismail JB. 2016. Seasonal variation in the occurrence and abundance of mangrove macroalgae in a Malaysian estuary. Cryptogamie, Algologie. 37: 109-120 (