2004/3/26 |
Doç. Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü |
Habitat use and demographic evaluation of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal in the Eastern Mediterranean |
2004/4/30 |
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kideys |
Disasterous events in the Caspian Sea due to the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis and a remedy. |
2004/4/16 |
Dr. Allison Weeks |
MERIS validation in the North West Mediterranean and the Mascarene Ridge (Indian Ocean): early results. |
2004/4/14 |
Dr. Allison Weeks |
Variability in the chlorophyll-a in the Blanes Canyon (North West Mediterranean Sea) during the MERIS-ENVISAT validation. |
2004/4/9 |
Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü |
Why Lessepsian immigrants are so successful in colonizing the Eastern Mediterranean sea and who are the defenders of the native ecosystem ? |
2004/4/2 |
Dr. Şükrü Besiktepe; Dr. Şengul Besiktepe |
Effects of the physical and biogeochemical variabilities on the spatial heterogenity of the zooplankton distribution in the Black Sea. |
2004/5/28 |
Prof. Dr. Süleyman Tugrul |
Black Sea Chemistry: Implications of the Knorr 2001 cruise data. |
2004/5/21 |
Doç. Dr. Erhan Mutlu |
Size dependent acoustic detection of zooplankton and nekton in Turkish Seas |
2004/5/14 |
Prof. Dr.Emin Ozsoy |
Cilician Basin Modelling and the MFSTEP project |
2004/6/23 |
Dr. Michel Dennis |
Short- term variability of heterotrophic bacteria of the Northwestern Mediterranean in late summer 2004. Evidence for pulsed mineralisation in the water column. |
2004/6/18 |
Doç. Dr. Erhan Mutlu |
First time occurrence of sexual dimorphisms in a strombid gastropod radula, Conomurex persicusas |
2004/6/8 |
Georgy Shulman and Viktor Nikolsky |
Premises for estimation production of Calanus euxinus in the Black Sea |
2004/6/8 |
Leonid Svetlichny |
Development and lipid storage in Calanus euxinus from the Black and Marmara Seas. |
2004/6/8 |
Tatjana Yuneva; Zinaida Romanova |
Calanus euxinus and its environment in shallow shelf and offshore Black Sea waters. |
2004/6/4 |
Dr. Georgy Shulman |
Metabolic principles of biodiversity on an example of the Black Sea animals. |
2004/7/9 |
Doç. Dr. Zahit Uysal |
Bacterial dynamics in the northern Levantine basin shelf waters. |
2004/7/15 |
Dr. Mehmet Karaca |
Kent Isı Adası: İstanbul örneği |
2004/10/24 |
Prof. Dr. Temel Oguz |
Regime Shifts and Climatic Oscillations Restructuring the Black Sea Ecosystem. 24 Ekim 04 |
2005/1/13 |
Dr. Yücel Yılmaz |
Truva Antik Kentinin Önemi ve Yok Oluşunda Doğa Güçlerinin Rolü 13 Ocak 05 |
2005/2/11 |
Dr. Lawrence Mee |
The Black Sea: catastrophy in remission? |
2005/4/29 |
Dr. Gürdal Alaeddinoğlu |
Teknopark uygulamaları |
2005/4/29 |
Dr. Gülay Özcengiz |
Genom projeleri: Biyoteknoloji ve sağlık alanına etkileri |
2005/5/31 |
Dr. Hasan Çavşak |
Doğu Ponditler ve Karadeniz'deki kabuk ve üst mantonun üç boyutlu gravite ters çözüm modellemesi |
2005/6/15 |
Dr. Partice Francour |
How to ases fish secondary from underwater visual census-An application to the naturel reserve of Scandola (Corsica Northwestern Mediterranean. France) |
2005/6/23 |
Dr. Michel Dennis |
Short-term variability of heterotrophic bacteria of the northwestern Mediterranean in late summer 2004. Evidence for pulsed mineralisation in the water column |
2005/5/11 |
Doç. Dr. Zahit Uysal |
Kilikya Baseni kıyısal ekosisteminde dolaşım, taşınım ve ötrofikasyon araştırmaları Proje Seferi |
2005/9/26 |
Yard. Doç. Dr. Şengül Beşiktepe |
-Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz’de zooplankton kommünitesinin mevsimlik değişimleri ve biyotik ve abiyotik faktörler etkileşimi
-Karadeniz’de muhtemel zararlı diatom türü Pseudo-nitzschia’nın toksisitesi ve ekolojik etkileri
-Ölü/Canlı Kopepod Oranları: Mersin Körfezinde mevsimlik değişimleri
2006/1/19 |
Dr. Temel OÄŸuz |
Karadeniz ekosisteminin mevcut durumunun ve gelecekteki olası davranış biçimlerinin saptanması |
2006/2/1 |
Dr. Mahmut OKYAR |
Karataş-Osmaniye fay zonunun denize uzanımının sismik yöntemlerle araştırılması |
2006/2/10 |
Mustafa Toker |
Van Gölü’nün (PaleoVAN) Jeolojik ve iklimsel potansiyeli için belirlenen yeni ICDP sitesi |
2006/2/8 |
Dr. Cengiz ÖZALP |
Structural and functional studies of Cytochrome P450 in mammalian cells. |
2007/6/19 |
Dr. Kadir EriÅŸ |
Sea Level Changes in the Marmara Sea in the Last 150,000 years |
2007/6/6 |
Dr. Aurelien Paulmier |
Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZs) in the present ocean. A study focused in the Eastern South Pacific |
2008/1/9 |
Dr. İsmail Ömer Yılmaz |
-Anoxic event and red beds across the cenomanian/Turoninal Boundary (nw Turkey)
-Eski iklim döngülerinin kayıtları ve deniz ve göl seviye değişimlerindeki etkisi.(Miyosen, Kretase, Karbonifer jeolojik zaman dilimlerinden örnekler) Sedimentology. Its past present and future.
2008/4/2 |
Dr. Servet Ahmet Çizmeli |
Regional characterization of the optical properties of the St-Lawrence ecosystem: radiative transfer, optical coherence,parametrization and regionalization |
2008/6/27 |
Dr. Eleni Kaberi |
SESAME Project and the October 2007 Black Sea Cruise |
2008/6/27 |
Dr. Vangelis Papathanassiou |
HCMR Research Activities |
2008/10/6 |
Dr. Peter Ralph |
Applications of photobiology in production estimates |
2008/10/6 |
Dr. Martina Doblin |
Microalgal invasions in aquatic systems |
2010/1/8 |
Prof. Dr. Temel OÄŸuz |
Abrupt transition of the northwestern Black Sea shelf ecosystem from eutrophic to an alternative pristine state |
2010/1/10 |
Nebil Yücel |
Part 1- Primary production and phytoplankton composition in the southern Black Sea and northeastern Mediterranean.
Part 2- Radiometric determination of the monthly changes in the primary production and bacterial production rate and interaction in the northeastern Mediterranean. |
2010/1/14 |
Özgür Gürses |
Water Mass Concept |
2010/1/15 |
Anıl Akpınar |
Physical characteristic of the Black Sea inferred from argo profiling data |
2010/1/18 |
Çağlar Yumruktepe |
1-D Ecosystem model of offshore Mersin Bay waters |
2010/1/20 |
Nusret Sevinç |
Analysis of the lower trophic level of the Black Sea ecosystem's past 4 decades: A modeling study |
2010/1/27 |
Ersin Tutsak |
A study of surface atmospheric, sea-level and current time-series acquired by the Turkish coastal observation network |
2010/2/4 |
Doç. Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü |
Seals of IMS |
2010/2/22 |
Dr. Heather Cannaby |
Distinguishing anthropogenic induced change from multi-annual climate variability in the NE Atlantic |
2010/3/19 |
Prof. Dr Emin Özsoy |
Lessons and prospects of operational oceanography |
2010/3/26 |
Dr. Sinan Hüsrevoğlu |
The state of play and progress for METU-IMS modelling commitment within SESAME-IP. |
2010/4/2 |
Meltem Ok |
When and Why? Preliminary analyses of the red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758). Time series off Erdemli |
2010/4/9 |
Prof. Dr. Ferit Bingel |
What we know about Black Sea anchovy |
2010/4/20 |
Prof. Dr. Emin Özsoy |
Film: “Turbulent Ocean†|
2010/4/22 |
Ekin Akoglu |
End-to-end controls on the Black Sea ecosystem during the 1960's-1990's |
2010/5/6 |
AyÅŸe Gazihan AkoÄŸlu |
Picoplankton Abundance and Biomass Distribution in Turkish Seas |
2010/5/6 |
Nebil Yücel |
Primary Production in Shelf Waters of the Cilician Basin |
2010/6/29 |
Dr. Özcan Özen |
Early life stages and recruitment in fish populations |
2010/6/18 |
Prof.Dr. Süleyman Tuğrul |
Long-Term Changes in the Hydro-Chemical Properties of Black Sea Upper Layer |
2010/7/8 |
Prof.Dr. Ahmet Erkan Kıdeyş |
The regional environmental governance in the Black Sea |
2010/7/1 |
Dr. Özcan Özen |
Fish biodiversity and young of the year population Dynamics of economically important fish species in the shallow waters of Dardanelles, Çanakkale |
2010/9/15 |
Nazlı Olgun |
Nutrient limitation in the surface ocean: The role of explosive volcanic eruptions for the marine biogeochemical cycles |
2010/10/27 |
Dr. Mustafa Kocak |
Particulate matter (PM10) in Ä°stanbul: Origin, source areas and potential impact on surrounding regions |
2010/10/24 |
AyÅŸe Gazihan AkoÄŸlu |
LightDynaMix-Dynamics of Microbial Food Webs in a Light Gradient; a Mesocosm Study |
2010/10/16 |
Doç. Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü |
Past and present of fish fauna in the NE Levant Sea and the factors facilitating the colonization bye Lessesian fishes |
10/10/10 |
Dr. Esin Yalçın |
Environmental Influences on the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of European Hake (Merluccius merluccius) and Red Mullet (Mulles barbatus barbatus) in Ä°zmir Bay. |
10/10/4 |
Güzel Yücel Gier |
Developing a roadmap for Turkish Marine Aquaculture Site Selection&Zoning by Using an Ecosystem Approach to Management (FAO-MARA/TCP/TUR 3101 Project) |
2010/12/22 |
M. Akif Korkmaz |
Interannual variability in the environmental conditions of the Black Sea |
2010/12/29 |
Prof.Dr. Temel Oguz |
Aprupt transition of the NW Black Sea Shelf ecosystem from eutrophic to an alternative pristine state. |
2011/4/12 |
Doç. Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü |
Disappearance of Hake in the NE Levant Sea |
2011/1/5 |
Ali AydoÄŸdu |
Basics of Data Assimilation |
2011/1/6 |
Metin Akca |
Cascades in Mediterranean Submarine Grand Canyons |
2011/1/12 |
Özge Yelekçi |
Prelımınary Work On Numerical Simulatıons Of Eutrophıcatıon Processes In Izmır Bay Wıth A Coupled Three Dımensıonal Eco-Hydrodynamıc Model |
2011/2/3 |
Caglar Yumruktepe |
Eco-Hydrodynamıc Modellıng Of Eutrophıcatıon And Nutrıent Cycles Usıng Delft3d Model For The Cılıcıan Basın |
2011/2/8 |
AyÅŸe Gazihan AkoÄŸlu |
Temporal and Spatial Changes in the Abundance and Biomass of Pico (Heterotrophic Bacteria & Synechococcus) and Nanoplankton (Flagellates) of the Mersin Bay – Relationships with Ambient Physical, Chemical and Biological Parameters |
2011/3/2 |
Prof. Dr. Ferit Bingel |
Catching techniques of fish |
2011/4/8 |
Dr. Eugenia Lefkaditou |
Cephalopods: Morphological and Life cycle characteristics, Fisheries and abundance variability |
2011/4/21 |
Paul Kahler |
Anoxia-related feedbacks of NO3 and PO4: positive or negative- Examples from the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea and perspectives for the global oceans |
2011/4/27 |
Doç. Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü |
Disappearance of Hake in the NE Levant Sea |
2011/5/4 |
Prof. Dr. Zahit Uysal |
Surface chlorophyll distribution in the Cilician basin based on in-situ fluorometer readings on board R/V Bilim-2 |
2011/5/11 |
Dr. Arzu Karahan |
Part I: Cytogenetic and Geometrical Morphometrics Analysis of some Teleost fishes from East Mediterranean Sea"
Part II: Variability in Morphometry, Creatin Kinase and Microsatellites of Anchovy
2011/5/17 |
Dr. Jeff Peakall; Dr. Daniel Parsons |
Submarine channels and the Black Sea |
2011/7/22 |
Prof. Dr. Nadia Pinardi |
The Mediterranean Sea large scale circulation: a retrospective analysis 1987-2007 |
2011/7/22 |
Dr. Murat Gündüz |
Atlantic Ocean and Adriatic Sea Modeling Efforts – Ongoing Work and Preliminary Results - (with following discussion on modeling experiences) |
2011/7/13 |
Dr. Valeria Ibello |
Nitrogen fixation in the Mediterranean Sea |
2011/10/19 |
Dr. Magnus Lucassen |
Adaptation and sensitivity of marine fishes to climate factors: Molecular basis of physiological response mechanisms |
2011/10/27 |
Dr. Mete Yılmaz |
Cyanobacteria: from their toxins to unique pigments |
2011/12/6 |
Dr. Sinan Arkın |
Modeling Experimental Evolution |
2011/12/28 |
Dr. Mustafa Kolukırık |
Redrawing the boundaries of IMS-METU's research by up to date molecular methods |
2012/1/4 |
Anıl Akpınar |
Variability of the Black Sea circulation derived from altimeter data |
2012/1/4 |
Mehmet Kaptan |
The Use Of Trix Index For Scaling Trophic Status Of Coastal Waters: A Case Study In The Mersin Bay |
2012/1/5 |
Ezgi Åžahin |
The Black Sea Populations of Anchovy |
2012/1/5 |
Özge Tutar |
MPA's effect on demersal fish stocks: Kızılliman |
2012/1/5 |
Arş. Gör. Ceren Guraslan |
Fish Behavior Modeling With Applications To Black Sea Anchovy |
2012/1/13 |
Doç. Dr.Ali Cemal Gucu |
The new Black Sea anchovy project and the first findings |
2012/1/24 |
Prof. Cemal Saydam |
In cloud alteration of desert dust matrix and its effect on natural ecosytems |
2012/1/24 |
Dr. Mustafa Koçak |
Potential solutions for Air pollution: a case study for Eastern Mediterranean |
2012/2/14 |
Dr. Ozan Mert ÖZTÜRK |
History of climate, marine events and sea-atmosphere interactions in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea regions as recorded in Anatolian caves |
2012/3/12 |
Prof. Kai Wirtz |
Product orientation as a guiding principle for the coastal and shelf observatory COSYNA |
2012/3/19 |
Prof. Kai Wirtz |
Building an ecosystem model from old principles |
2012/4/5 |
Dr. Icarus Allen |
Marine Ecosystem evolution in a changing environment: models, the pressure state response and links to policy. |
2012/4/6 |
Dr. Icarus Allen |
Beyond Chi by eye: some thoughts on model skill assessment. |
2012/4/6 |
Dr. Jenny Ullgren |
Direct observations of small and mesoscale variability in the north-eastern North Atlantic |
2012/4/27 |
Nebil YÃœCEL |
Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Microbial Activities in
northeastern Mediterranean |
2012/5/4 |
Dr. Ulrich Niermann |
Long-term changes in the Baltic Sea and North Sea, observed during the last 40 years |
2012/5/29 |
Dr. Deniz KARACA |
Biogeochemical processes at cold seeps along the Costa Rican continental margin |
2012/6/11 |
Caglar Yumruktepe |
Part I – Introduction to Biological Carbon Pump. Part II - Carbon export algorithm advancement in models |
2012/6/11 |
Ayse Gazihan AkoÄŸlu |
On the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) |
2012/6/15 |
Part I : Introduction to Biological Carbon Pump
Part II: Carbon export algorithm advancement in models |
2012/6/15 |
Nusret SEVİNÇ |
Long term changes in zooplankton community in jellfish dominated ecosystems |
2012/6/15 |
Sinem CÄ°HAN |
How to make Sea Turtle Survey |
2012/7/20 |
Ali Aydogdu |
A Coupled Modelling Attempt of Hydrodynamics and Ecosystem of Northern Levantine |
2012/7/30 |
Dr. Angela Landolfi |
The vicious marine N
2012/7/31 |
Dr. Guanluca Volpe |
A satellite view of
the space-time variability of phytoplankton biomass in the
Mediterranean Sea
2012/7/30 |
Dr. Stuart Kininmonth |
Join the dots: Network theory in Marine Ecology |
2012/9/4 |
Dr. Gloria LOPEZ |
Tales from the sands: using optical dating to understand modern and ancient coastal and marine sedimentological processes |
2012/9/4 |
Dr. Nevio PUGLÄ°ESE |
The applications of microfossils in archaeology and environmental monitoring |
2012/9/5 |
Dr. Nicolas WALDMAN |
Merging geophysics and sedimentology: paleoclimate and paleoseismology reconstruction from Tierra del Fuego, southernmost South America |
2012/9/7 |
The significance of atmospheric inputs to the eastern Mediterranean seawater |
2012/9/10 |
An overview of atmospheric versus particulate fluxes of major and trace metals in the Black Sea |
0/9/11 |
Origin and impacts of atmospheric pollution over the Eastern Mediterranean |
2012/9/20 |
Emanuela Voutsinas & Elena Ermidou |
Kid's Science at HCMR - CoCoNET and PERSEUS at schools
2012/10/16 |
Prof. Dr. Emin ÖZSOY |
Research and development initiative for advanced Modeling of the Turkish Straits System |
2012/10/17 |
Gianmaria Sannino |
Non-hydrostatic and high resolution modeling of the Gibraltar Strait |
2012/12/11 |
Dr. Soultana Zervoudaki |
Impact of Ocean Acidification on Pelagic Food Web in a Coastal Area of Eastern Mediterranean Sea |
2012/12/26 |
Prof. Dr. Huseyin Avni BENLÄ° |
Türkiye Balıkçılığında Yönetim Planlarının Analizi |
2013/1/2 |
Dr. Boris Jovanovic |
Toxic effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles from common household products on aquatic organisms |
2013/1/3 |
Dr. Boris Jovanovic |
Toxic effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles from common household products on aquatic organisms |
2013/3/1 |
Dr. Simone Libralato |
Global assessment of ecosystem effects for adopting the UN-FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries |
2013/4/3 |
Dr. Mehmet ILICAK |
Modelling challenges in the Norwegian Earth System model ocean component |
2013/5/17 |
Dr. Burcu Ozsoy Cicek |
Detection of Sea Ice by Remote Sensing in Antarctica |
2013/5/24 |
Claudia Wekerle |
Sea ice and ocean dynamics of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago - A finite element modeling study |
2013/5/24 |
Nebil YÃœCEL |
"Radiometric Determination of Monthly Changes in Primary Production and Bacterial Production Rates
in the North-Eastern Mediterranean - Interactions with Other Ambient Parameters"
2013/6/7 |
Dr. Olgac GÃœVEN |
Genetic structuring of common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis L., 1758) population and status of populations along Turkish coast lines of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas |
2013/5/31 |
Ekin AKOÄžLU |
Proceedings of the EwE Programming Course, April 22nd-26th, Vancouver, Canada with respect to Fisheries Science |
2013/6/7 |
Dr Huseyin SÄ°VRÄ°KAYA |
Evaluation of wooden material in resistance to marine borers by marine trial and lab experiments |
2013/6/21 |
Dr. Hüseyin ÖZBİLGİN |
Discard, codend size selection, and fish behaviour in Mersin Bay trawl fishery |
2013/10/24 |
Dr. Tonnes Bekker-Nielsen |
Problems of assessing fish stocks on the basis of archaeological finds |
2013/10/25 |
Dr. Tonnes Bekker-Nielsen |
"Problems of assessing fish stocks on the basis of archaeological finds" and "The ancient fish sauce industry and "industrial" fishing " |
2013/11/1 |
Dr. Fatih Huseyinoglu |
Spatio-temporal distribution of tropospheric aerosols over Southeast tip of Istanbul measured by Mie-Raman lidar |
2013/12/11 |
Dr. Sinan Arkin |
Developing a Coupled Modeling System for the Black Sea for Operational Use
2013/12/20 |
Dr. Bedri KurtuluÅŸ |
Unmanned Air Vehicle(UAV) Systems and Applications |
2013/12/26 |
Dr. Arzu Karahan |
Utilization of the DNA barcoding tool for vertebrate and invertebrate species from the Levantine basin and Population genetics features for abiding, but transient, Botryllus schlosseri (Urochordata) congregations in a central California, USA, marina |
2014/1/9 |
Robin Snape |
Marine Turtle Research in North Cyprus |
2014/1/10 |
Dr. Damla Beton |
Modelling as a Tool for Predicting Species Distribution and Effects of Climate Change |
2014/1/17 |
Prof. Dr. Temel OÄžUZ |
Fueling phytoplankton production by ageostrophic frontal processes over a steep shelf-slope topography: the case studies for the Black Sea and the Balearic Sea |
2014/1/23 |
Dr. Korhan Özkan |
Spatiotemporal changes in Danish Lake Plankton |
2014/1/24 |
Ozge Tutar |
Stock Assessment Of The Black Sea Anchovy |
2014/1/24 |
Serdar Sakinan |
Current Distribution Of The Small Pelagic Fish Populations In The North Eastern Levantine Sea In Relation To Environmental Conditions And Predicting The Impacts Of Temperature Rise On The Future Distributions |
2014/3/27 |
Gülce SAYDAM |
Population Viability Analysis of Mediterranean Monk seal (Monachus Monachus) and significance of dispersal in survival (Northeast Mediterranean Sea)
2014/4/2 |
Dr. Banu AKKAÅž |
Horizon2020 Info Day @ Institute of Marine Sciences |
2014/4/11 |
Dr. Valeria Ibello |
Nitrification in the North-West Atlantic Ocean |
2014/4/16 |
Dr. Arzu Karahan |
1) Utilization of the DNA barcoding tool for vertebrate and invertebrate species from the Levantine basin
2) Population genetics features for abiding, but transient, Botryllus schlosseri (Urochordata) congregations in a central California, USA, marina†|
2014/4/24 |
Dr. Serdar SAKINAN |
Acoustically-inferred spatial distribution of Black Sea copepod Calanus euxinus, as determined using multifrequency Information." |
2014/1/23 |
İlayda Destan ÖZTÜRK |
An investigation of zooplankton composition in the Black Sea |
2014/5/6 |
Elif Yılmaz and Ersin Tutsak |
PM10 and PM2.5 Composition over the Central Black Sea: Mass Closure and Origin of Exceedances |
2014/6/27 |
Nusret SEVİNÇ |
Understanding variability in ocean acidification
experiments using Adaptive-Trait Based Models |
2014/7/3 |
Dr. Orest DÄ°ACHOK |
Bioacoustic Spectroscopy of
Fish with Swim Bladders |
2014/7/21 |
Dr. Ilgar Safak |
Interaction of ocean surface waves and currents
with muddy seafloors: Wave energy dissipation and seafloor reworking on
the Louisiana Shelf, USA |
2014/7/18 |
Dr. Hasan Orek |
Bio-Optical Characterization of the Lena
River (With an Introduction on New Bio-Optical Measurement Technics) |
2014/7/21 |
Dr. Ilgar Safak |
Interaction of ocean surface waves and currents
with muddy seafloors: Wave energy dissipation and seafloor reworking
on the Louisiana Shelf, USA |
2014/9/5 |
Sinem Cihan |
Pilot sea turtle monitoring at IMS-METU (NE Mediterranean) using a novel tracking system |
2014/9/9 |
Dr. Devrim Tezcan |
Active tectonics in the Çınarcık Basin, Marmara Se |
2014/11/20 |
Mr. Taha YÃœCE |
"LUMOS - Fully Automated Stand-Alone FT-IR Microscope and its applications" |
2015/1/9 |
Dr. Stefan Neuenfeldt |
Biological Ensemble Modelling in the Baltic Sea |
2015/1/16 |
Dr. Stefan Neuenfeldt |
Biological Ensemble Modelling in the Baltic Sea |
2015/1/21 |
Ozan Çiftçi |
DNA barcoding & population genetics structure of three Mullidae species in Mediterranean |
2015/1/21 |
Selin Küçükavşar |
Integrating Transcriptomics to Biogeochemical (Nitrogen Cycle) Models |
2015/1/30 |
İsmail Akçay |
Spatial Variations of Particulate Organic Matter (POM) Composition and Concentrations in surface waters and sediments of the Mersin Bay |
2015/1/28 |
Nazım Kurmuş |
Analysis of Interannual Change in Black Sea Anchovy Stock Biomass with Hydroacoustics |
2015/3/17 |
Arş.Gör. Gulce Saydam |
Cetacean Distribution in Southern Black Sea: An Acoustic Approach Using a Methodology Combining Active and Passive Acoustics" |
2015/4/9 |
Klaus Jürgens |
2015/6/25 |
Arş. Gör. Ceren Guraslan |
Modeling the impact of environmental variability on Black Sea anchovy overwintering migration |
2015/7/8 |
Dr. Xavier Durrieu de Madron |
Variability and impacts of dense water formation processes in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) |
2015/10/27 |
Dr. Celia Vassilopoulou |
“Fisheries Discards†and "Marine Spatial Planning†|
2015/11/6 |
Dr. Moharram Dolatshahi Pirooz |
hydrodynamic modeling, coastal engineering, and Tsunami modeling. |
2015/11/6 |
Dr. Moharram Dolatshahi Pirooz |
hydrodynamic modeling, coastal engineering, and Tsunami modeling. |
2015/11/16 |
Dr. Christine Klaas |
'Ocean Iron Fertilization: overview and perspectives' |
2015/11/26 |
Dr. Diana Ruiz Pino |
Impact of Ice melting on phytoplankton and CO2 in the Arctic Ocean |
2016/1/7 |
Deniz DiÅŸa |
The Impact of Fishing on Lower Trophic Level Dynamics and Biogeochemistry of Marine Ecosystems |
2016/1/13 |
Alimjan Abla |
Marine habitat modeling in Mersin and Iskenderun bay |
2016/1/20 |
Kerem Gökdağ |
Microplastic densities in seawater, sediment and fish from the North Eastern Mediterranean Sea |
2016/2/10 |
Pierre Coupel |
Diversity of the Arctic primary producers in the context of global change |
2016/3/7 |
Dr. Diana Ruiz Pino |
Oxygen Minimum Zones, Green House Gases (CO2, N2O) and Acidification at the global ocean: from in-situ observation to 3D circulation-biogeochemical model |
2016/3/9 |
Dr. Ulrich Niermann |
Changes of the coral community in the Gulf of Aqaba/Red Sea |
2016/4/4 |
Dr. Eti Levi |
Can palaeolimnological proxies supplement present-day data in lake ecological assessment |
2016/4/26 |
Dr Francesco d’Ovidio |
The dynamical landscape of pelagic ecosystems: from satellite observations to biologging data |
2016/4/26 |
Dr Francesco d’Ovidio |
The dynamical landscape of pelagic ecosystems: from satellite observations to biologging data |
2016/5/26 |
Dr. Serdar Sakınan |
"Fisheries acoustics as an ecosystem monitoring tool†|
2016/6/21 |
Caglar Yumruktepe |
Development and application of new model algorithms of the biological carbon pump in the North Atlantic |
2016/6/22 |
Prof. Vangelis Papathanassiou |
Ocean Governance in the Mediterranean |
2016/6/16 |
Gultekin Yilmaz |
2016/6/16 |
Munevver Nehir |
'Chemical Characterization and Speciation of the Macro Nutrients in the Atmospheric Particles and Wet Deposition Mode over the Eastern Mediterranean: Source Areas, Bio-Availability and Impact of Atmospheric Inputs on Marine Productivit |
2016/6/15 |
Esra Ermis |
2016/6/15 |
Batuhan Yapan |
Elucidating Structure of Eastern Mediterranean Population of Audouin’s gull by Using Molecular Markers |
2016/6/16 |
Gultekin Yilmaz |
2016/6/24 |
Dr. Derya Akkaynak |
Cuttlefish patterns, bird eggs, butterfly wings, bat noses and cancer cells: Colorful discoveries through calibrated off-the-shelf cameras" |
2016/6/29 |
Caglar Yumruktepe |
Progress of my Delft3D modelling study in the Cilician Basin. A transfer of experience and lessons learned |
2016/6/30 |
Ãœlgen AYTAN |
Microbial Food Web Dynamics in the South Eastern Black Sea |
2016/6/30 |
Physical controls of chlorophyll-a variability in the Northeast Atlantic |
2017/5/2 |
Dr. Arzu Karahan |
“Population genetics features for persistent, but transient, Botryllus schlosseri (Urochordata) congregations in a central Californian marina |
2017/3/30 |
Dr. Annette Samuelsen |
Marine modeling and research at the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (NERSC) and a modeling study of primary production in the Fram Strait. |
2017/5/3 |
Dr. Mehmet Yayla |
An empirical approach in the development of local algorithms for the remote sensing of chlorophyll concentration & Phytoplankton Functional Type (PFT) in optically complex waters |
2017/5/24 |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wayne J. Fuller |
Turtles and Technology |
2014/5/24 |
Prof. Dr. Nedime Serakinci |
The double edge sword mesencyhmal stem cells in tumor development and in cancer therapy |
2017/5/24 |
Prof. Dr. Nedime Serakinci |
The double edge sword mesencyhmal stem cells in tumor development and in cancer therapy |
2017/6/8 |
Gizem Akkus |
Stock unit identification of the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) inhabiting the Black Sea based on variability in the otolith growth patterns |
2017/6/21 |
Dr. Serdar Sakinan |
Variability in copepod and krill acoustic material properties associated with season and lipid composition |
2017/12/4 |
Kerem Gokdag |
Microplastic Pollution In Seawater, Sediment And Gastrointestinal Tract Of Fishes Of The North-Eastern Mediterranean Sea |
2018/1/18 |
Onur Karakus |
One Dimensional Modeling Study in the Marmara Sea |
2018/1/26 |
Saba Başkır |
Upcycling Fisheries Data: Utilizing active acoustics to estimate cetacean foraging characteristics in the Black Sea |
2018/1/31 |
Elif Yilmaz |
Investigating Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) formation in the northern Levantine Basin |
2018/2/20 |
Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Arzu Karahan |
MARISTEM Marine invertebrate stem cells - EC-COST Action 16203 |
2018/3/9 |
Mersin Yelken Kulübü başkanı Zeynep Akgün Babaoğlan |
Mersin Yelken Kulübü ve faaliyetlerini tanıtmak |
2018/3/21 |
Prof. Senem Ayşe DURUEL ERKILIÇ |
2000 sonrası Türk sinemasında eğilimler |
2018/3/29 |
Dr. Glenn Nolan |
A European system for operational oceanography: the activities of EuroGOOS |
2018/4/16 |
Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Hamdullah Yucel |
The Role of Computation in Science and Engineering |
2018/4/16 |
Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Hamdullah Yucel |
The Role of Computation in Science and Engineering |
2018/5/17 |
Stages of a long way to Ocean Decade |
2018/5/18 |
Ocean Wealth |
2018/5/21 |
Dr. Marie-Alexandrine Sicre |
SCOR, its missions and activities - Sustainable Development Objective 14 of the UN Agenda 2030 |
2018/5/24 |
Dr. Diana Ruiz Pino |
Biological crisis and climate change |
2018/6/1 |
Batıkan Bilir |
Diurnal Variatons in the Distribution of Overwintering Black Sea Anchovy |
2018/6/1 |
Emel Kocaman |
Determination and quantification of Bisphenol A – BPA concentration of marine and freshwaters in Turkey in time series and several stations by HPLC |
2018/6/5 |
Yoga EÄŸitmeni Duygu Ertan |
Değerler ve Yaşam Denge Çarkı |
2018/6/7 |
Dr. Mustafa Mantikci |
Plankton Respiration: A case study from Danish marine coastal waters |
2018/8/23 |
Doug Woodring |
“Plastic: The Material that Binds the Planet†|
2018/10/17 |
Onur KarakuÅŸ |
“Estimating the effect of Antarctic krill on the Southern Ocean ecosystem functioning†|
2018/10/18 |
Mikhail Chesalin |
“Preliminary results in the discrimination of the Black Sea anchovy and the Azov Sea anchovy using otolith shape analysis.†|
2018/10/18 |
V. Nikolsky and M. Chesalin |
“Some experience in applying of the ShapeR software package to the shape analysis of anchovy otolithsâ€. |
2019/1/10 |
Begum Tohumcu |
Phytoplankton Patchiness around the Göksu River Estuary (Northeastern Mediterranean) |
2019/1/10 |
Fatıma Nur Oğul |
Gene editing via silencing RNA in some Botryllid ascidians |
2019/1/11 |
Bulut Cagdas |
Self Recruitment And Local Retention Analysis In The Black Sea |
2019/2/1 |
Merve Kurt |
Elucidating the Impact of Dispersal on the Persistence of Small Colonies of Endangered Mediterranean Monk Seal |
2019/2/25 |
Prof. Dr. Yelda Aktan |
ODYSSEA: Akdeniz Havzasında Bütünleştirilmiş Gözlem Sistemleri Ağı Oluşturulması |
2019/2/25 |
Prof. Dr. Çetin Keskin |
1993'den 2018'e Balıkçılık Ekolojisine Katkılar: Kuzey Ege ve Marmara Denizleri |
2019/5/2 |
Prof. Dr Donato Giovannelli |
The marine carbon cycle is missing a piece: shallow-water hydrothermal vents |
2019/5/24 |
Dr. Berkay Basdurak |
Surface boundary layer processes: salinity inversions & submesoscale turbulence |
2019/5/29 |
Berivan Temiz |
Phylogeographic resolution of Botrylloides aff. leachii (Savigny, 1816) from the North-eastern Mediterranean Sea |
2019/5/29 |
Gultekin Yilmaz |
Aerosols of Combustion Origin in the Eastern Mediterranean: Origins and Possible Effects on the Nutrient Regime and Marine Production |
2019/5/29 |
Esra Ozturk |
Phylogeographic Analysis of Two Botryllid Ascidians Along the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey |
2019/5/31 |
Dr. Bärbel Muller-Karulis |
Biogeochemical and food web modelling at Baltic Sea Center, Stockholm University |
2019/11/27 |
Pınar Uygurer |
New Europeans? |
2020/1/10 |
Serhat Sevgen |
Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Vents within the Framework of Slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge System |
2020/1/9 |
Bulut Çağdaş |
Lagrangian drifter analysis in the Southern Oceanâ€, and then Fahri Aykut will present - "The Coastal Vulnerability Assessment For Mersin and Iskenderun Bays |
2020/1/9 |
Fahri Aykut |
The Coastal Vulnerability Assessment For Mersin and Iskenderun Bays |
2020/2/3 |
Dr. Valeria Ibello |
Carbonate system in the Levantine basin |
2020/2/19 |
Doç. Dr. Mustafa Koçak |
Optical and microphysical properties of the columnar aerosol burden over the Eastern Mediterranean’ |
2020/2/26 |
Volodymyr Myroshnychenko |
Temperature and Salinity Climatology for the Black Sea produced within SeaDataCloud project |
2020/3/4 |
Dr. Arzu Karahan |
Botryllid Ascidians (Tunicates); Immortal Primitive Chordates |
2019/11/13 |
Ekin AkoÄŸlu |
EwE-F 2.0: Ecopath with Ecosim in Fortran with spatial dynamics |
2020/1/22 |
Ahmet Kıdeyş |
Microplastics composition and load from three wastewater treatment plants discharging into Mersin Bay, northeastern Mediterranean Sea |
2020/4/22 |
Mustafa Yücel |
Drivers of seafloor metal mobilization in the modern ocean and regional seas: Climate impacts and paleoceanographic implications |
2020/4/29 |
Korhan Özkan |
Antarctic expeditions: food web ecology of Antarctic peninsula |
2020/5/6 |
Devrim Tezcan |
Seafloor Morphology and Shallow Stratigraphy of the Northern Cyprus Continental Shelf |
2020/5/13 |
Nüvit Berkay Başdurak |
A Local Eddy Viscosity Parameterization for Wind-Driven Estuarine Exchange Flow |
2020/5/20 |
Meltem Ok |
Erdemli Demersal Trawl Time Series Surveys: Some Remarks on Long-term trends in Fish Assemblages Structure and Distribution |
2020/5/27 |
Ehsan Sadighrad |
Mesoscale Eddies in the Black Sea: Characteristics and Kinematic Properties in a High-Resolution Ocean Model |
2020/6/2 |
Valeria Ibello |
Air-Sea carbon dioxide exchanges in the Mediterranean Sea: a focus on the North-eastern Levantine basin |
2020/6/10 |
Ali Cemal Gücü |
Tiny giants - The anchovies of the Black Sea |
2020/6/24 |
Sinan Hüsrevoğlu |
Mesoscale physical dynamics of the southern Black Sea: preliminary results from data analysis |
2020/7/1 |
Zahit Uysal |
Phytoplankton assemblages along the Turkish Mediterranean coast |
2020/7/8 |
Bettina Fach SalihoÄŸlu |
Modeling the invasion of the Lessepsian fish Threadfin bream (Nemipterus randalli) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea |
2020/7/22 |
Ezgi Åžahin |
DISCOVER-APPLY-SHARE: The Integrated strategy of METU Institute of Marine Sciences |
2020/9/2 |
Arife Zenginer Yılmaz |
The abundance and biomass distribution of main Zooplankton groups in the Black Sea (two seasons: July 2019 and March 2020) |
2020/9/30 |
Nüvit Berkay Başdurak |
Modeling the Dynamics of Small-Scale River and Creek Plumes in Tidal Waters |
2020/11/26 |
Mustafa Mantıkçı |
Primary production in the Black Sea: Preliminary results from the Black Sea 2019 summer cruise |
2021/2/10 |
Korhan Özkan |
Salinisation and eutrophication of Anatolian lakes & new mesocosm facility at METU IMS |
2021/12/1 |
Suna Tüzün |
Feeding biology of the Mullidae family members off the coasts of the Iskenderun Bay and Gökçeada |
2021/12/8 |
Quentin Mauvisseau |
Species Detection Using eDNA Species-Specific Approach or Metabarcoding In Aquatic Systems |
2021/12/15 |
Stiig Markager |
Eutrophication – causalities, monitoring and time lag in recovery: experiences from the Baltic Sea region |
2024/2/8 |
Mustafa Mantıkçı |
What We Know (and Don't) About the Marmara Mucilage: A Case Study on Mucilage |
2024/9/4 |
Emel Kocaman |
Ocean Acidification and Anthropogenic Carbon in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Effects of Acidification on Marine Organisms |
2024/9/4 |
Deniz EÅŸkinat |
The Effects of Marine Protected Areas on the Ecosystem in the Eastern Mediterranean |
2024/3/6 |
Ä°rem Bekdemir |
Morphological and Genetic Characterization of All Didemnid Along the Turkish Coast for Use As a Drug Raw Material |
2024/1/23 |
Hacer Buse Uysaler |
The Future Impacts of Climate Change on Fish Stocks in The Black Sea: An End-To-End Model Approach |
2024/1/8 |
Polen Alemdar |
Determining The Buffering Effect of The Mediterranean and Marmara Seas Against the Increasing Atmospheric Co2 Level |
2024/1/8 |
Levent Akel |
Monthly Changes in Abundance and Biomass of Heterotrophic Bacteria Across the Continental Shelf Waters Off Erdemli (Northern Levantine Basin) |
2024/1/4 |
Åževal ÅžimÅŸek |
Submarine Landslide in the Southwestern Black Sea |
2024/1/4 |
Ece Demir |
Trophic Index of Mediterranean Sea |
2024/1/4 |
YeÅŸim Ayar |
Temporal and Spatial Comparison of Carbonate Chemistry Parameters between Groundwaters and Rivers in the Northeast Mediterranean Basin |
2023/12/28 |
Yağız Demir |
Method Development for Characterization of Marine Metal Nanoparticles |
2023/12/28 |
Bilge Durgut |
Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Variations in Black Sea Biodiversity via eDNA and Physicochemical Parameters |
2023/12/25 |
Nimet Alımlı |
The Challenge of Multi-metal Marine Nanoparticles and Its Importance For Life |
2023/12/25 |
Hilal Cura |
From Manganese Measurement to Habitability Tracers |
2023/8/28 |
Melike Kazak |
Pelagic Plankton Net Community Production and Respiration in The Sea of Marmara |
2023/7/6 |
Bükem Belen |
Investigating Physical Processes in the Black Sea using a Regional Circulation Model with the Implementation of Future Climate Scenarios |
2023/7/6 |
Ä°rem YeÅŸim SavaÅŸ |
Investigating Sediment Transportation Over a Submarine Canyon in Cilician Basin |
2023/7/7 |
Hasan Arslan |
Vegetation History of East Mediterranean Ecosystem |
2023/7/7 |
Deniz EÅŸkinat |
Recovery of the overexploited fishes and the conservation impact on Lessepsian species in the Kızılliman Marine Protected Area, Eastern Mediterranean |
2023/5/24 |
Zeray Ayral Gülmez |
Organic Carbon Burial in a Modern Proterozoic Analogue: the Sea of Marmara |
2023/4/12 |
Deniz DiÅŸa |
Spatiotemporal dynamics of carbonate chemistry in a coral reef system |
2023/1/9 |
Burak Avcı |
On the origin of eukaryotes: Asgard archaea visualize the evolution of cellular complexity |
2022/10/24 |
Simon Blanchoud |
Biotechnological applications of marine invertebrates |
2022/8/29 |
Nimet Alimli |
Seafloor iron mobilization across the deep-water redox gradients of the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara |
2022/6/22 |
Fahri Aykut |
A GIS Based Tool For Coastal Vulnerability Assessment |
2022/6/22 |
Melike Kazak |
Oxygen Optodes to Study Plankton Metabolism in The Sea of Marmara |
2022/7/1 |
Mike Elliot |
The science needed for marine governance and challenges for Türkiye in considering adopting European legislation |
2022/6/20 |
Esra Öztürk |
Preliminary results of The Sea of Marmara mucilage event bacterial composition using the metabarcoding technique |
2022/6/20 |
Betül Soylu |
Ecological and Climatological Investigation of Alpine Lakes at Bolkar Mountains |
2022/5/18 |
Mertcan Esti |
Investigation Of Bacterial Community Composition in Oxic and Anoxic Sediment Cores Along Redox Gradients of The Black Sea |
2021/12/15 |
Stiig Markager |
Eutrophication – causalities, monitoring and time lag in recovery: experiences from the Baltic Sea region |