Date Person Title
2004/3/26 Doç. Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü Habitat use and demographic evaluation of the critically endangered Mediterranean monk seal in the Eastern Mediterranean
2004/4/30 Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kideys Disasterous events in the Caspian Sea due to the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis and a remedy.
2004/4/16 Dr. Allison Weeks MERIS validation in the North West Mediterranean and the Mascarene Ridge (Indian Ocean): early results.
2004/4/14 Dr. Allison Weeks Variability in the chlorophyll-a in the Blanes Canyon (North West Mediterranean Sea) during the MERIS-ENVISAT validation.
2004/4/9 Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü Why Lessepsian immigrants are so successful in colonizing the Eastern Mediterranean sea and who are the defenders of the native ecosystem ?
2004/4/2 Dr. Şükrü Besiktepe; Dr. Şengul Besiktepe Effects of the physical and biogeochemical variabilities on the spatial heterogenity of the zooplankton distribution in the Black Sea.
2004/5/28 Prof. Dr. Süleyman Tugrul Black Sea Chemistry: Implications of the Knorr 2001 cruise data.
2004/5/21 Doç. Dr. Erhan Mutlu Size dependent acoustic detection of zooplankton and nekton in Turkish Seas
2004/5/14 Prof. Dr.Emin Ozsoy Cilician Basin Modelling and the MFSTEP project
2004/6/23 Dr. Michel Dennis Short- term variability of heterotrophic bacteria of the Northwestern Mediterranean in late summer 2004. Evidence for pulsed mineralisation in the water column.
2004/6/18 Doç. Dr. Erhan Mutlu First time occurrence of sexual dimorphisms in a strombid gastropod radula, Conomurex persicusas
2004/6/8 Georgy Shulman and Viktor Nikolsky Premises for estimation production of Calanus euxinus in the Black Sea
2004/6/8 Leonid Svetlichny Development and lipid storage in Calanus euxinus from the Black and Marmara Seas.
2004/6/8 Tatjana Yuneva; Zinaida Romanova Calanus euxinus and its environment in shallow shelf and offshore Black Sea waters.
2004/6/4 Dr. Georgy Shulman Metabolic principles of biodiversity on an example of the Black Sea animals.
2004/7/9 Doç. Dr. Zahit Uysal Bacterial dynamics in the northern Levantine basin shelf waters.
2004/7/15 Dr. Mehmet Karaca Kent Isı Adası: İstanbul örneği
2004/10/24 Prof. Dr. Temel Oguz Regime Shifts and Climatic Oscillations Restructuring the Black Sea Ecosystem. 24 Ekim 04
2005/1/13 Dr. Yücel Yılmaz Truva Antik Kentinin Önemi ve Yok Oluşunda Doğa Güçlerinin Rolü 13 Ocak 05
2005/2/11 Dr. Lawrence Mee The Black Sea: catastrophy in remission?
2005/4/29 Dr. Gürdal Alaeddinoğlu Teknopark uygulamaları
2005/4/29 Dr. Gülay Özcengiz Genom projeleri: Biyoteknoloji ve sağlık alanına etkileri
2005/5/31 Dr. Hasan Çavşak Doğu Ponditler ve Karadeniz'deki kabuk ve üst mantonun üç boyutlu gravite ters çözüm modellemesi
2005/6/15 Dr. Partice Francour How to ases fish secondary from underwater visual census-An application to the naturel reserve of Scandola (Corsica Northwestern Mediterranean. France)
2005/6/23 Dr. Michel Dennis Short-term variability of heterotrophic bacteria of the northwestern Mediterranean in late summer 2004. Evidence for pulsed mineralisation in the water column
2005/5/11 Doç. Dr. Zahit Uysal Kilikya Baseni kıyısal ekosisteminde dolaşım, taşınım ve ötrofikasyon araştırmaları Proje Seferi
2005/9/26 Yard. Doç. Dr. Şengül Beşiktepe -Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz’de zooplankton kommünitesinin mevsimlik değişimleri ve biyotik ve abiyotik faktörler etkileşimi -Karadeniz’de muhtemel zararlı diatom türü Pseudo-nitzschia’nın toksisitesi ve ekolojik etkileri -Ölü/Canlı Kopepod Oranları: Mersin Körfezinde mevsimlik değişimleri
2006/1/19 Dr. Temel Oğuz Karadeniz ekosisteminin mevcut durumunun ve gelecekteki olası davranış biçimlerinin saptanması
2006/2/1 Dr. Mahmut OKYAR Karataş-Osmaniye fay zonunun denize uzanımının sismik yöntemlerle araştırılması
2006/2/10 Mustafa Toker Van Gölü’nün (PaleoVAN) Jeolojik ve iklimsel potansiyeli için belirlenen yeni ICDP sitesi
2006/2/8 Dr. Cengiz ÖZALP Structural and functional studies of Cytochrome P450 in mammalian cells.
2007/6/19 Dr. Kadir EriÅŸ Sea Level Changes in the Marmara Sea in the Last 150,000 years
2007/6/6 Dr. Aurelien Paulmier Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZs) in the present ocean. A study focused in the Eastern South Pacific
2008/1/9 Dr. İsmail Ömer Yılmaz -Anoxic event and red beds across the cenomanian/Turoninal Boundary (nw Turkey) -Eski iklim döngülerinin kayıtları ve deniz ve göl seviye değişimlerindeki etkisi.(Miyosen, Kretase, Karbonifer jeolojik zaman dilimlerinden örnekler) Sedimentology. Its past present and future.
2008/4/2 Dr. Servet Ahmet Çizmeli Regional characterization of the optical properties of the St-Lawrence ecosystem: radiative transfer, optical coherence,parametrization and regionalization
2008/6/27 Dr. Eleni Kaberi SESAME Project and the October 2007 Black Sea Cruise
2008/6/27 Dr. Vangelis Papathanassiou HCMR Research Activities
2008/10/6 Dr. Peter Ralph Applications of photobiology in production estimates
2008/10/6 Dr. Martina Doblin Microalgal invasions in aquatic systems
2010/1/8 Prof. Dr. Temel OÄŸuz Abrupt transition of the northwestern Black Sea shelf ecosystem from eutrophic to an alternative pristine state
2010/1/10 Nebil Yücel Part 1- Primary production and phytoplankton composition in the southern Black Sea and northeastern Mediterranean. Part 2- Radiometric determination of the monthly changes in the primary production and bacterial production rate and interaction in the northeastern Mediterranean.
2010/1/14 Özgür Gürses Water Mass Concept
2010/1/15 Anıl Akpınar Physical characteristic of the Black Sea inferred from argo profiling data
2010/1/18 Çağlar Yumruktepe 1-D Ecosystem model of offshore Mersin Bay waters
2010/1/20 Nusret Sevinç Analysis of the lower trophic level of the Black Sea ecosystem's past 4 decades: A modeling study
2010/1/27 Ersin Tutsak A study of surface atmospheric, sea-level and current time-series acquired by the Turkish coastal observation network
2010/2/4 Doç. Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü Seals of IMS
2010/2/22 Dr. Heather Cannaby Distinguishing anthropogenic induced change from multi-annual climate variability in the NE Atlantic
2010/3/19 Prof. Dr Emin Özsoy Lessons and prospects of operational oceanography
2010/3/26 Dr. Sinan Hüsrevoğlu The state of play and progress for METU-IMS modelling commitment within SESAME-IP.
2010/4/2 Meltem Ok When and Why? Preliminary analyses of the red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758). Time series off Erdemli
2010/4/9 Prof. Dr. Ferit Bingel What we know about Black Sea anchovy
2010/4/20 Prof. Dr. Emin Özsoy Film: “Turbulent Ocean”
2010/4/22 Ekin Akoglu End-to-end controls on the Black Sea ecosystem during the 1960's-1990's
2010/5/6 AyÅŸe Gazihan AkoÄŸlu Picoplankton Abundance and Biomass Distribution in Turkish Seas
2010/5/6 Nebil Yücel Primary Production in Shelf Waters of the Cilician Basin
2010/6/29 Dr. Özcan Özen Early life stages and recruitment in fish populations
2010/6/18 Prof.Dr. Süleyman Tuğrul Long-Term Changes in the Hydro-Chemical Properties of Black Sea Upper Layer
2010/7/8 Prof.Dr. Ahmet Erkan Kıdeyş The regional environmental governance in the Black Sea
2010/7/1 Dr. Özcan Özen Fish biodiversity and young of the year population Dynamics of economically important fish species in the shallow waters of Dardanelles, Çanakkale
2010/9/15 Nazlı Olgun Nutrient limitation in the surface ocean: The role of explosive volcanic eruptions for the marine biogeochemical cycles
2010/10/27 Dr. Mustafa Kocak Particulate matter (PM10) in Ä°stanbul: Origin, source areas and potential impact on surrounding regions
2010/10/24 AyÅŸe Gazihan AkoÄŸlu LightDynaMix-Dynamics of Microbial Food Webs in a Light Gradient; a Mesocosm Study
2010/10/16 Doç. Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü Past and present of fish fauna in the NE Levant Sea and the factors facilitating the colonization bye Lessesian fishes
10/10/10 Dr. Esin Yalçın Environmental Influences on the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of European Hake (Merluccius merluccius) and Red Mullet (Mulles barbatus barbatus) in İzmir Bay.
10/10/4 Güzel Yücel Gier Developing a roadmap for Turkish Marine Aquaculture Site Selection&Zoning by Using an Ecosystem Approach to Management (FAO-MARA/TCP/TUR 3101 Project)
2010/12/22 M. Akif Korkmaz Interannual variability in the environmental conditions of the Black Sea
2010/12/29 Prof.Dr. Temel Oguz Aprupt transition of the NW Black Sea Shelf ecosystem from eutrophic to an alternative pristine state.
2011/4/12 Doç. Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü Disappearance of Hake in the NE Levant Sea
2011/1/5 Ali AydoÄŸdu Basics of Data Assimilation
2011/1/6 Metin Akca Cascades in Mediterranean Submarine Grand Canyons
2011/1/12 Özge Yelekçi Prelımınary Work On Numerical Simulatıons Of Eutrophıcatıon Processes In Izmır Bay Wıth A Coupled Three Dımensıonal Eco-Hydrodynamıc Model
2011/2/3 Caglar Yumruktepe Eco-Hydrodynamıc Modellıng Of Eutrophıcatıon And Nutrıent Cycles Usıng Delft3d Model For The Cılıcıan Basın
2011/2/8 Ayşe Gazihan Akoğlu Temporal and Spatial Changes in the Abundance and Biomass of Pico (Heterotrophic Bacteria & Synechococcus) and Nanoplankton (Flagellates) of the Mersin Bay – Relationships with Ambient Physical, Chemical and Biological Parameters
2011/3/2 Prof. Dr. Ferit Bingel Catching techniques of fish
2011/4/8 Dr. Eugenia Lefkaditou Cephalopods: Morphological and Life cycle characteristics, Fisheries and abundance variability
2011/4/21 Paul Kahler Anoxia-related feedbacks of NO3 and PO4: positive or negative- Examples from the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea and perspectives for the global oceans
2011/4/27 Doç. Dr. Ali Cemal Gücü Disappearance of Hake in the NE Levant Sea
2011/5/4 Prof. Dr. Zahit Uysal Surface chlorophyll distribution in the Cilician basin based on in-situ fluorometer readings on board R/V Bilim-2
2011/5/11 Dr. Arzu Karahan Part I: Cytogenetic and Geometrical Morphometrics Analysis of some Teleost fishes from East Mediterranean Sea" Part II: Variability in Morphometry, Creatin Kinase and Microsatellites of Anchovy
2011/5/17 Dr. Jeff Peakall; Dr. Daniel Parsons Submarine channels and the Black Sea
2011/7/22 Prof. Dr. Nadia Pinardi The Mediterranean Sea large scale circulation: a retrospective analysis 1987-2007
2011/7/22 Dr. Murat Gündüz Atlantic Ocean and Adriatic Sea Modeling Efforts – Ongoing Work and Preliminary Results - (with following discussion on modeling experiences)
2011/7/13 Dr. Valeria Ibello Nitrogen fixation in the Mediterranean Sea
2011/10/19 Dr. Magnus Lucassen Adaptation and sensitivity of marine fishes to climate factors: Molecular basis of physiological response mechanisms
2011/10/27 Dr. Mete Yılmaz Cyanobacteria: from their toxins to unique pigments
2011/12/6 Dr. Sinan Arkın Modeling Experimental Evolution
2011/12/28 Dr. Mustafa Kolukırık Redrawing the boundaries of IMS-METU's research by up to date molecular methods
2012/1/4 Anıl Akpınar Variability of the Black Sea circulation derived from altimeter data
2012/1/4 Mehmet Kaptan The Use Of Trix Index For Scaling Trophic Status Of Coastal Waters: A Case Study In The Mersin Bay
2012/1/5 Ezgi Åžahin The Black Sea Populations of Anchovy
2012/1/5 Özge Tutar MPA's effect on demersal fish stocks: Kızılliman
2012/1/5 Arş. Gör. Ceren Guraslan Fish Behavior Modeling With Applications To Black Sea Anchovy
2012/1/13 Doç. Dr.Ali Cemal Gucu The new Black Sea anchovy project and the first findings
2012/1/24 Prof. Cemal Saydam In cloud alteration of desert dust matrix and its effect on natural ecosytems
2012/1/24 Dr. Mustafa Koçak Potential solutions for Air pollution: a case study for Eastern Mediterranean
2012/2/14 Dr. Ozan Mert ÖZTÜRK History of climate, marine events and sea-atmosphere interactions in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea regions as recorded in Anatolian caves
2012/3/12 Prof. Kai Wirtz Product orientation as a guiding principle for the coastal and shelf observatory COSYNA
2012/3/19 Prof. Kai Wirtz Building an ecosystem model from old principles
2012/4/5 Dr. Icarus Allen Marine Ecosystem evolution in a changing environment: models, the pressure state response and links to policy.
2012/4/6 Dr. Icarus Allen Beyond Chi by eye: some thoughts on model skill assessment.
2012/4/6 Dr. Jenny Ullgren Direct observations of small and mesoscale variability in the north-eastern North Atlantic
2012/4/27 Nebil YÃœCEL Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Microbial Activities in northeastern Mediterranean
2012/5/4 Dr. Ulrich Niermann Long-term changes in the Baltic Sea and North Sea, observed during the last 40 years
2012/5/29 Dr. Deniz KARACA Biogeochemical processes at cold seeps along the Costa Rican continental margin
2012/6/11 Caglar Yumruktepe Part I – Introduction to Biological Carbon Pump. Part II - Carbon export algorithm advancement in models
2012/6/11 Ayse Gazihan AkoÄŸlu On the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
2012/6/15 V. Çağlar YUMRUKTEPE Part I : Introduction to Biological Carbon Pump Part II: Carbon export algorithm advancement in models
2012/6/15 Nusret SEVİNÇ Long term changes in zooplankton community in jellfish dominated ecosystems
2012/6/15 Sinem CÄ°HAN How to make Sea Turtle Survey
2012/7/20 Ali Aydogdu A Coupled Modelling Attempt of Hydrodynamics and Ecosystem of Northern Levantine
2012/7/30 Dr. Angela Landolfi The vicious marine N cycle
2012/7/31 Dr. Guanluca Volpe A satellite view of the space-time variability of phytoplankton biomass in the Mediterranean Sea
2012/7/30 Dr. Stuart Kininmonth Join the dots: Network theory in Marine Ecology
2012/9/4 Dr. Gloria LOPEZ Tales from the sands: using optical dating to understand modern and ancient coastal and marine sedimentological processes
2012/9/4 Dr. Nevio PUGLÄ°ESE The applications of microfossils in archaeology and environmental monitoring
2012/9/5 Dr. Nicolas WALDMAN Merging geophysics and sedimentology: paleoclimate and paleoseismology reconstruction from Tierra del Fuego, southernmost South America
2012/9/7 Prof. Nikos MÄ°HALOPOULOS The significance of atmospheric inputs to the eastern Mediterranean seawater
2012/9/10 Prof. Nikos MÄ°HALOPOULOS An overview of atmospheric versus particulate fluxes of major and trace metals in the Black Sea
0/9/11 Prof. Nikos MÄ°HALOPOULOS Origin and impacts of atmospheric pollution over the Eastern Mediterranean
2012/9/20 Emanuela Voutsinas & Elena Ermidou Kid's Science at HCMR - CoCoNET and PERSEUS at schools
2012/10/16 Prof. Dr. Emin ÖZSOY Research and development initiative for advanced Modeling of the Turkish Straits System
2012/10/17 Gianmaria Sannino Non-hydrostatic and high resolution modeling of the Gibraltar Strait
2012/12/11 Dr. Soultana Zervoudaki Impact of Ocean Acidification on Pelagic Food Web in a Coastal Area of Eastern Mediterranean Sea
2012/12/26 Prof. Dr. Huseyin Avni BENLİ Türkiye Balıkçılığında Yönetim Planlarının Analizi
2013/1/2 Dr. Boris Jovanovic Toxic effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles from common household products on aquatic organisms
2013/1/3 Dr. Boris Jovanovic Toxic effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles from common household products on aquatic organisms
2013/3/1 Dr. Simone Libralato Global assessment of ecosystem effects for adopting the UN-FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
2013/4/3 Dr. Mehmet ILICAK Modelling challenges in the Norwegian Earth System model ocean component
2013/5/17 Dr. Burcu Ozsoy Cicek Detection of Sea Ice by Remote Sensing in Antarctica
2013/5/24 Claudia Wekerle Sea ice and ocean dynamics of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago - A finite element modeling study
2013/5/24 Nebil YÃœCEL "Radiometric Determination of Monthly Changes in Primary Production and Bacterial Production Rates in the North-Eastern Mediterranean - Interactions with Other Ambient Parameters"
2013/6/7 Dr. Olgac GÃœVEN Genetic structuring of common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis L., 1758) population and status of populations along Turkish coast lines of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas
2013/5/31 Ekin AKOÄžLU Proceedings of the EwE Programming Course, April 22nd-26th, Vancouver, Canada with respect to Fisheries Science
2013/6/7 Dr Huseyin SÄ°VRÄ°KAYA Evaluation of wooden material in resistance to marine borers by marine trial and lab experiments
2013/6/21 Dr. Hüseyin ÖZBİLGİN Discard, codend size selection, and fish behaviour in Mersin Bay trawl fishery
2013/10/24 Dr. Tonnes Bekker-Nielsen Problems of assessing fish stocks on the basis of archaeological finds
2013/10/25 Dr. Tonnes Bekker-Nielsen "Problems of assessing fish stocks on the basis of archaeological finds" and "The ancient fish sauce industry and "industrial" fishing "
2013/11/1 Dr. Fatih Huseyinoglu Spatio-temporal distribution of tropospheric aerosols over Southeast tip of Istanbul measured by Mie-Raman lidar
2013/12/11 Dr. Sinan Arkin Developing a Coupled Modeling System for the Black Sea for Operational Use
2013/12/20 Dr. Bedri KurtuluÅŸ Unmanned Air Vehicle(UAV) Systems and Applications
2013/12/26 Dr. Arzu Karahan Utilization of the DNA barcoding tool for vertebrate and invertebrate species from the Levantine basin and Population genetics features for abiding, but transient, Botryllus schlosseri (Urochordata) congregations in a central California, USA, marina
2014/1/9 Robin Snape Marine Turtle Research in North Cyprus
2014/1/10 Dr. Damla Beton Modelling as a Tool for Predicting Species Distribution and Effects of Climate Change
2014/1/17 Prof. Dr. Temel OÄžUZ Fueling phytoplankton production by ageostrophic frontal processes over a steep shelf-slope topography: the case studies for the Black Sea and the Balearic Sea
2014/1/23 Dr. Korhan Özkan Spatiotemporal changes in Danish Lake Plankton
2014/1/24 Ozge Tutar Stock Assessment Of The Black Sea Anchovy
2014/1/24 Serdar Sakinan Current Distribution Of The Small Pelagic Fish Populations In The North Eastern Levantine Sea In Relation To Environmental Conditions And Predicting The Impacts Of Temperature Rise On The Future Distributions
2014/3/27 Gülce SAYDAM Population Viability Analysis of Mediterranean Monk seal (Monachus Monachus) and significance of dispersal in survival (Northeast Mediterranean Sea)
2014/4/2 Dr. Banu AKKAÅž Horizon2020 Info Day @ Institute of Marine Sciences
2014/4/11 Dr. Valeria Ibello Nitrification in the North-West Atlantic Ocean
2014/4/16 Dr. Arzu Karahan 1) Utilization of the DNA barcoding tool for vertebrate and invertebrate species from the Levantine basin 2) Population genetics features for abiding, but transient, Botryllus schlosseri (Urochordata) congregations in a central California, USA, marina”
2014/4/24 Dr. Serdar SAKINAN Acoustically-inferred spatial distribution of Black Sea copepod Calanus euxinus, as determined using multifrequency Information."
2014/1/23 İlayda Destan ÖZTÜRK An investigation of zooplankton composition in the Black Sea
2014/5/6 Elif Yılmaz and Ersin Tutsak PM10 and PM2.5 Composition over the Central Black Sea: Mass Closure and Origin of Exceedances
2014/6/27 Nusret SEVİNÇ Understanding variability in ocean acidification experiments using Adaptive-Trait Based Models
2014/7/3 Dr. Orest DÄ°ACHOK Bioacoustic Spectroscopy of Fish with Swim Bladders
2014/7/21 Dr. Ilgar Safak Interaction of ocean surface waves and currents with muddy seafloors: Wave energy dissipation and seafloor reworking on the Louisiana Shelf, USA
2014/7/18 Dr. Hasan Orek Bio-Optical Characterization of the Lena River (With an Introduction on New Bio-Optical Measurement Technics)
2014/7/21 Dr. Ilgar Safak Interaction of ocean surface waves and currents with muddy seafloors: Wave energy dissipation and seafloor reworking on the Louisiana Shelf, USA
2014/9/5 Sinem Cihan Pilot sea turtle monitoring at IMS-METU (NE Mediterranean) using a novel tracking system
2014/9/9 Dr. Devrim Tezcan Active tectonics in the Çınarcık Basin, Marmara Se
2014/11/20 Mr. Taha YÃœCE "LUMOS - Fully Automated Stand-Alone FT-IR Microscope and its applications"
2015/1/9 Dr. Stefan Neuenfeldt Biological Ensemble Modelling in the Baltic Sea
2015/1/16 Dr. Stefan Neuenfeldt Biological Ensemble Modelling in the Baltic Sea
2015/1/21 Ozan Çiftçi DNA barcoding & population genetics structure of three Mullidae species in Mediterranean
2015/1/21 Selin Küçükavşar Integrating Transcriptomics to Biogeochemical (Nitrogen Cycle) Models
2015/1/30 İsmail Akçay Spatial Variations of Particulate Organic Matter (POM) Composition and Concentrations in surface waters and sediments of the Mersin Bay
2015/1/28 Nazım Kurmuş Analysis of Interannual Change in Black Sea Anchovy Stock Biomass with Hydroacoustics
2015/3/17 Arş.Gör. Gulce Saydam Cetacean Distribution in Southern Black Sea: An Acoustic Approach Using a Methodology Combining Active and Passive Acoustics"
2015/6/25 Arş. Gör. Ceren Guraslan Modeling the impact of environmental variability on Black Sea anchovy overwintering migration
2015/7/8 Dr. Xavier Durrieu de Madron Variability and impacts of dense water formation processes in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean)
2015/10/27 Dr. Celia Vassilopoulou “Fisheries Discards” and "Marine Spatial Planning”
2015/11/6 Dr. Moharram Dolatshahi Pirooz hydrodynamic modeling, coastal engineering, and Tsunami modeling.
2015/11/6 Dr. Moharram Dolatshahi Pirooz hydrodynamic modeling, coastal engineering, and Tsunami modeling.
2015/11/16 Dr. Christine Klaas 'Ocean Iron Fertilization: overview and perspectives'
2015/11/26 Dr. Diana Ruiz Pino Impact of Ice melting on phytoplankton and CO2 in the Arctic Ocean
2016/1/7 Deniz DiÅŸa The Impact of Fishing on Lower Trophic Level Dynamics and Biogeochemistry of Marine Ecosystems
2016/1/13 Alimjan Abla Marine habitat modeling in Mersin and Iskenderun bay
2016/1/20 Kerem Gökdağ Microplastic densities in seawater, sediment and fish from the North Eastern Mediterranean Sea
2016/2/10 Pierre Coupel Diversity of the Arctic primary producers in the context of global change
2016/3/7 Dr. Diana Ruiz Pino Oxygen Minimum Zones, Green House Gases (CO2, N2O) and Acidification at the global ocean: from in-situ observation to 3D circulation-biogeochemical model
2016/3/9 Dr. Ulrich Niermann Changes of the coral community in the Gulf of Aqaba/Red Sea
2016/4/4 Dr. Eti Levi Can palaeolimnological proxies supplement present-day data in lake ecological assessment
2016/4/26 Dr Francesco d’Ovidio The dynamical landscape of pelagic ecosystems: from satellite observations to biologging data
2016/4/26 Dr Francesco d’Ovidio The dynamical landscape of pelagic ecosystems: from satellite observations to biologging data
2016/5/26 Dr. Serdar Sakınan "Fisheries acoustics as an ecosystem monitoring tool”
2016/6/21 Caglar Yumruktepe Development and application of new model algorithms of the biological carbon pump in the North Atlantic
2016/6/22 Prof. Vangelis Papathanassiou Ocean Governance in the Mediterranean
2016/6/16 Munevver Nehir 'Chemical Characterization and Speciation of the Macro Nutrients in the Atmospheric Particles and Wet Deposition Mode over the Eastern Mediterranean: Source Areas, Bio-Availability and Impact of Atmospheric Inputs on Marine Productivit
2016/6/15 Batuhan Yapan Elucidating Structure of Eastern Mediterranean Population of Audouin’s gull by Using Molecular Markers
2016/6/24 Dr. Derya Akkaynak Cuttlefish patterns, bird eggs, butterfly wings, bat noses and cancer cells: Colorful discoveries through calibrated off-the-shelf cameras"
2016/6/29 Caglar Yumruktepe Progress of my Delft3D modelling study in the Cilician Basin. A transfer of experience and lessons learned
2016/6/30 Ãœlgen AYTAN Microbial Food Web Dynamics in the South Eastern Black Sea
2016/6/30 Andre VALENTE Physical controls of chlorophyll-a variability in the Northeast Atlantic
2017/5/2 Dr. Arzu Karahan “Population genetics features for persistent, but transient, Botryllus schlosseri (Urochordata) congregations in a central Californian marina
2017/3/30 Dr. Annette Samuelsen Marine modeling and research at the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre (NERSC) and a modeling study of primary production in the Fram Strait.
2017/5/3 Dr. Mehmet Yayla An empirical approach in the development of local algorithms for the remote sensing of chlorophyll concentration & Phytoplankton Functional Type (PFT) in optically complex waters
2017/5/24 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wayne J. Fuller Turtles and Technology
2014/5/24 Prof. Dr. Nedime Serakinci The double edge sword mesencyhmal stem cells in tumor development and in cancer therapy
2017/5/24 Prof. Dr. Nedime Serakinci The double edge sword mesencyhmal stem cells in tumor development and in cancer therapy
2017/6/8 Gizem Akkus Stock unit identification of the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) inhabiting the Black Sea based on variability in the otolith growth patterns
2017/6/21 Dr. Serdar Sakinan Variability in copepod and krill acoustic material properties associated with season and lipid composition
2017/12/4 Kerem Gokdag Microplastic Pollution In Seawater, Sediment And Gastrointestinal Tract Of Fishes Of The North-Eastern Mediterranean Sea
2018/1/18 Onur Karakus One Dimensional Modeling Study in the Marmara Sea
2018/1/26 Saba Başkır Upcycling Fisheries Data: Utilizing active acoustics to estimate cetacean foraging characteristics in the Black Sea
2018/1/31 Elif Yilmaz Investigating Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) formation in the northern Levantine Basin
2018/2/20 Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Arzu Karahan MARISTEM Marine invertebrate stem cells - EC-COST Action 16203
2018/3/9 Mersin Yelken Kulübü başkanı Zeynep Akgün Babaoğlan Mersin Yelken Kulübü ve faaliyetlerini tanıtmak
2018/3/21 Prof. Senem Ayşe DURUEL ERKILIÇ 2000 sonrası Türk sinemasında eğilimler
2018/3/29 Dr. Glenn Nolan A European system for operational oceanography: the activities of EuroGOOS
2018/4/16 Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Hamdullah Yucel The Role of Computation in Science and Engineering
2018/4/16 Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Hamdullah Yucel The Role of Computation in Science and Engineering
2018/5/17 Dr. Iouri OLIOUNINE Stages of a long way to Ocean Decade
2018/5/18 Dr. Iouri OLIOUNINE Ocean Wealth
2018/5/21 Dr. Marie-Alexandrine Sicre SCOR, its missions and activities - Sustainable Development Objective 14 of the UN Agenda 2030
2018/5/24 Dr. Diana Ruiz Pino Biological crisis and climate change
2018/6/1 Batıkan Bilir Diurnal Variatons in the Distribution of Overwintering Black Sea Anchovy
2018/6/1 Emel Kocaman Determination and quantification of Bisphenol A – BPA concentration of marine and freshwaters in Turkey in time series and several stations by HPLC
2018/6/5 Yoga Eğitmeni Duygu Ertan Değerler ve Yaşam Denge Çarkı
2018/6/7 Dr. Mustafa Mantikci Plankton Respiration: A case study from Danish marine coastal waters
2018/8/23 Doug Woodring “Plastic: The Material that Binds the Planet”
2018/10/17 Onur Karakuş “Estimating the effect of Antarctic krill on the Southern Ocean ecosystem functioning”
2018/10/18 Mikhail Chesalin “Preliminary results in the discrimination of the Black Sea anchovy and the Azov Sea anchovy using otolith shape analysis.”
2018/10/18 V. Nikolsky and M. Chesalin “Some experience in applying of the ShapeR software package to the shape analysis of anchovy otoliths”.
2019/1/10 Begum Tohumcu Phytoplankton Patchiness around the Göksu River Estuary (Northeastern Mediterranean)
2019/1/10 Fatıma Nur Oğul Gene editing via silencing RNA in some Botryllid ascidians
2019/1/11 Bulut Cagdas Self Recruitment And Local Retention Analysis In The Black Sea
2019/2/1 Merve Kurt Elucidating the Impact of Dispersal on the Persistence of Small Colonies of Endangered Mediterranean Monk Seal
2019/2/25 Prof. Dr. Yelda Aktan ODYSSEA: Akdeniz Havzasında Bütünleştirilmiş Gözlem Sistemleri Ağı Oluşturulması
2019/2/25 Prof. Dr. Çetin Keskin 1993'den 2018'e Balıkçılık Ekolojisine Katkılar: Kuzey Ege ve Marmara Denizleri
2019/5/2 Prof. Dr Donato Giovannelli The marine carbon cycle is missing a piece: shallow-water hydrothermal vents
2019/5/24 Dr. Berkay Basdurak Surface boundary layer processes: salinity inversions & submesoscale turbulence
2019/5/29 Berivan Temiz Phylogeographic resolution of Botrylloides aff. leachii (Savigny, 1816) from the North-eastern Mediterranean Sea
2019/5/29 Gultekin Yilmaz Aerosols of Combustion Origin in the Eastern Mediterranean: Origins and Possible Effects on the Nutrient Regime and Marine Production
2019/5/29 Esra Ozturk Phylogeographic Analysis of Two Botryllid Ascidians Along the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey
2019/5/31 Dr. Bärbel Muller-Karulis Biogeochemical and food web modelling at Baltic Sea Center, Stockholm University
2019/11/27 Pınar Uygurer New Europeans?
2020/1/10 Serhat Sevgen Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Vents within the Framework of Slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge System
2020/1/9 Bulut Çağdaş Lagrangian drifter analysis in the Southern Ocean”, and then Fahri Aykut will present - "The Coastal Vulnerability Assessment For Mersin and Iskenderun Bays
2020/1/9 Fahri Aykut The Coastal Vulnerability Assessment For Mersin and Iskenderun Bays
2020/2/3 Dr. Valeria Ibello Carbonate system in the Levantine basin
2020/2/19 Doç. Dr. Mustafa Koçak Optical and microphysical properties of the columnar aerosol burden over the Eastern Mediterranean’
2020/2/26 Volodymyr Myroshnychenko Temperature and Salinity Climatology for the Black Sea produced within SeaDataCloud project
2020/3/4 Dr. Arzu Karahan Botryllid Ascidians (Tunicates); Immortal Primitive Chordates
2019/11/13 Ekin AkoÄŸlu EwE-F 2.0: Ecopath with Ecosim in Fortran with spatial dynamics
2020/1/22 Ahmet Kıdeyş Microplastics composition and load from three wastewater treatment plants discharging into Mersin Bay, northeastern Mediterranean Sea
2020/4/22 Mustafa Yücel Drivers of seafloor metal mobilization in the modern ocean and regional seas: Climate impacts and paleoceanographic implications
2020/4/29 Korhan Özkan Antarctic expeditions: food web ecology of Antarctic peninsula
2020/5/6 Devrim Tezcan Seafloor Morphology and Shallow Stratigraphy of the Northern Cyprus Continental Shelf
2020/5/13 Nüvit Berkay Başdurak A Local Eddy Viscosity Parameterization for Wind-Driven Estuarine Exchange Flow
2020/5/20 Meltem Ok Erdemli Demersal Trawl Time Series Surveys: Some Remarks on Long-term trends in Fish Assemblages Structure and Distribution
2020/5/27 Ehsan Sadighrad Mesoscale Eddies in the Black Sea: Characteristics and Kinematic Properties in a High-Resolution Ocean Model
2020/6/2 Valeria Ibello Air-Sea carbon dioxide exchanges in the Mediterranean Sea: a focus on the North-eastern Levantine basin
2020/6/10 Ali Cemal Gücü Tiny giants - The anchovies of the Black Sea
2020/6/24 Sinan Hüsrevoğlu Mesoscale physical dynamics of the southern Black Sea: preliminary results from data analysis
2020/7/1 Zahit Uysal Phytoplankton assemblages along the Turkish Mediterranean coast
2020/7/8 Bettina Fach SalihoÄŸlu Modeling the invasion of the Lessepsian fish Threadfin bream (Nemipterus randalli) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
2020/7/22 Ezgi Åžahin DISCOVER-APPLY-SHARE: The Integrated strategy of METU Institute of Marine Sciences
2020/9/2 Arife Zenginer Yılmaz The abundance and biomass distribution of main Zooplankton groups in the Black Sea (two seasons: July 2019 and March 2020)
2020/9/30 Nüvit Berkay Başdurak Modeling the Dynamics of Small-Scale River and Creek Plumes in Tidal Waters
2020/11/26 Mustafa Mantıkçı Primary production in the Black Sea: Preliminary results from the Black Sea 2019 summer cruise
2021/2/10 Korhan Özkan Salinisation and eutrophication of Anatolian lakes & new mesocosm facility at METU IMS
2021/12/1 Suna Tüzün Feeding biology of the Mullidae family members off the coasts of the Iskenderun Bay and Gökçeada
2021/12/8 Quentin Mauvisseau Species Detection Using eDNA Species-Specific Approach or Metabarcoding In Aquatic Systems
2021/12/15 Stiig Markager Eutrophication – causalities, monitoring and time lag in recovery: experiences from the Baltic Sea region
2024/2/8 Mustafa Mantıkçı What We Know (and Don't) About the Marmara Mucilage: A Case Study on Mucilage
2024/9/4 Emel Kocaman Ocean Acidification and Anthropogenic Carbon in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Effects of Acidification on Marine Organisms
2024/9/4 Deniz EÅŸkinat The Effects of Marine Protected Areas on the Ecosystem in the Eastern Mediterranean
2024/3/6 Ä°rem Bekdemir Morphological and Genetic Characterization of All Didemnid Along the Turkish Coast for Use As a Drug Raw Material
2024/1/23 Hacer Buse Uysaler The Future Impacts of Climate Change on Fish Stocks in The Black Sea: An End-To-End Model Approach
2024/1/8 Polen Alemdar Determining The Buffering Effect of The Mediterranean and Marmara Seas Against the Increasing Atmospheric Co2 Level
2024/1/8 Levent Akel Monthly Changes in Abundance and Biomass of Heterotrophic Bacteria Across the Continental Shelf Waters Off Erdemli (Northern Levantine Basin)
2024/1/4 Åževal ÅžimÅŸek Submarine Landslide in the Southwestern Black Sea
2024/1/4 Ece Demir Trophic Index of Mediterranean Sea
2024/1/4 YeÅŸim Ayar Temporal and Spatial Comparison of Carbonate Chemistry Parameters between Groundwaters and Rivers in the Northeast Mediterranean Basin
2023/12/28 Yağız Demir Method Development for Characterization of Marine Metal Nanoparticles
2023/12/28 Bilge Durgut Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Variations in Black Sea Biodiversity via eDNA and Physicochemical Parameters
2023/12/25 Nimet Alımlı The Challenge of Multi-metal Marine Nanoparticles and Its Importance For Life
2023/12/25 Hilal Cura From Manganese Measurement to Habitability Tracers
2023/8/28 Melike Kazak Pelagic Plankton Net Community Production and Respiration in The Sea of Marmara
2023/7/6 Bükem Belen Investigating Physical Processes in the Black Sea using a Regional Circulation Model with the Implementation of Future Climate Scenarios
2023/7/6 Ä°rem YeÅŸim SavaÅŸ Investigating Sediment Transportation Over a Submarine Canyon in Cilician Basin
2023/7/7 Hasan Arslan Vegetation History of East Mediterranean Ecosystem
2023/7/7 Deniz Eşkinat Recovery of the overexploited fishes and the conservation impact on Lessepsian species in the Kızılliman Marine Protected Area, Eastern Mediterranean
2023/5/24 Zeray Ayral Gülmez Organic Carbon Burial in a Modern Proterozoic Analogue: the Sea of Marmara
2023/4/12 Deniz DiÅŸa Spatiotemporal dynamics of carbonate chemistry in a coral reef system
2023/1/9 Burak Avcı On the origin of eukaryotes: Asgard archaea visualize the evolution of cellular complexity
2022/10/24 Simon Blanchoud Biotechnological applications of marine invertebrates
2022/8/29 Nimet Alimli Seafloor iron mobilization across the deep-water redox gradients of the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara
2022/6/22 Fahri Aykut A GIS Based Tool For Coastal Vulnerability Assessment
2022/6/22 Melike Kazak Oxygen Optodes to Study Plankton Metabolism in The Sea of Marmara
2022/7/1 Mike Elliot The science needed for marine governance and challenges for Türkiye in considering adopting European legislation
2022/6/20 Esra Öztürk Preliminary results of The Sea of Marmara mucilage event bacterial composition using the metabarcoding technique
2022/6/20 Betül Soylu Ecological and Climatological Investigation of Alpine Lakes at Bolkar Mountains
2022/5/18 Mertcan Esti Investigation Of Bacterial Community Composition in Oxic and Anoxic Sediment Cores Along Redox Gradients of The Black Sea
2021/12/15 Stiig Markager Eutrophication – causalities, monitoring and time lag in recovery: experiences from the Baltic Sea region